Sunday, 4 September 2011

The Posers

At Satpula, near Khirki Masjid, wandering around, I met a bunch of kids. They wanted to be photographed. Look at the below and judge how keen they were! All this was just so I would take more shots. The more I took, the more I refused and the more they resorted to.

That one in the middle was THE HAM!
Getting ready to pose.
Off they go!
Should we say one and a half out of three?
What poses are those?
I know I have not written about the Satpula at all but I promise to soon. Its difficult to write posts when you are a 'normal' working man no longer wandering around Delhi!

1 comment:

  1. 'Normal' haha. I wonder when will I get back into this normal phase ;)

    Do write soon I really enjoy reading your posts
